Solution to 2018 End-of-Fall DMMC Web Problem

Top solvers for the 2018 End-of-Fall DMMC Web Problem

Original Problem Statement (Solution Below)

Can you escape from the monster and reach the shelter?   You are stranded in the middle of a road in a vast desert, and there is a monster sitting somewhere out there on the road (you don't know in which direction), staring toward your location, waiting to eat any one it can see.

The monster's range of vision \(v\) (meters) is greater than your range of vision \(w\) (meters), and once the monster sees you, then you will instantly be eaten up (the monster can run with essentially infinite speed).

 Shelter      You             Monster

There is also a shelter on the road in the direction opposite to that of the monster (see diagram above), but you can't see the shelter, and you don't know in which direction it is. Luckily, the shelter is closer to you, by \(c\) (meters), than the monster. Also, you know the values of \(v\), \(w\), and \(c\).

Determine, with proof, a necessary and sufficient condition (on \(v\), \(w\), \(c\)) that guarantees that you can reach the shelter with a suitable strategy. Describe in detail your strategy to reach the shelter under this condition. (Assume \(v \gt 0\), \(w \gt 0\), \(c \gt 0\).)

Official Solution of the 2018 End-of-Fall DMMC Web Problem

The solution of the problem is given by the following proposition.
You are guaranteed to reach the shelter with a suitable stratgey (described below) if and only if \(c \gt v - w\).
Detailed proof of the proposition. \(\newcommand{\dist}{\operatorname{dist}}\)
   Shelter                You                              Monster
            dist(S,0)            dist(M,0) = dist(S,0) + c
                       Figure 1
In Figure 1 above, your initial location is shown as the origin, \(0\). The shelter \(S\) is on one side and the monster \(M\) is on the other side. By the given condition, you know that \(\dist(M,0) = \dist(S,0) + c\).

In Figure 2 below, two more points \(E\) and \(C\) are shown. The point \(E\) is \(w\) meters from the shelter, and is your "escape point": It is the point nearest to you from which you can sight the shelter \(S\). The point \(C\) is \(v\) meters from the monster, and it is the dangerous "capture point", the farthest point that the monster can see from its location \(M\).

   Shelter    Escape      You         Capture              Monster
      |          |                       |                    |
      |<-------->|                       |<------------------>|
           w                                       v
                        Figure 2
Starting from your initial position \(0\), if you can reach \(E\) before reaching \(C\), then you can see the shelter, and escape to it. On the other hand, if you ever go to \(C\) or beyond, you will be captured by the monster. So your goal is to ensure that you can reach \(E\) without getting to \(C\).

We will show that you are guaranteed to reach the shelter with a suitable stratgey if and only if the escape point \(E\) is closer to you than the capture point \(C\) (which makes intuitive sense), that is, if and only if \(\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\). This will prove the proposition, since the condition \(\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\) is equivalent to the condition \(c \gt v - w\):

\begin{align*} &\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\\ \iff &\dist(S,0) - w \lt \dist(M,0) - v\\ \iff &\dist(S,0) - w \lt \dist(S,0) + c - v\\ \iff &c \gt v - w. \end{align*}
First we show that if \(\dist(E,0) \geq \dist(C,0)\) then there is no strategy guaranteeing your escape, that is, no strategy can guarantee that you will reach the escape point \(E\) before reaching the capture point \(C\). So assume \(\dist(E,0) \geq \dist(C,0)\), as shown in Figure 3 below, where we have also shown the point \(C'\) which is the reflection image of \(C\) about the origin, with \(\dist(C',0) = \dist(C,0)\).
   Shelter    Escape          You     Capture              Monster
      |          |                       |                    |
      |<-------->|                       |<------------------>|
           w                                       v
                        Figure 3
The open interval from \(E\) to \(C\) (the stretch from \(E\) to \(C\) excluding the end points \(E\) and \(C\)) is the "indeterminate region": If you are in this region, the monster can't see you and you can't see the shelter. So long as you are in this region, you will be safe, but you will also have no idea which way the shelter is and which way the monster is. So, any strategy that guarantees your escape must be essentially ambidextrous (about direction). Now, under any strategy that guarantees your escape, it must be possible to reach \(E\) before reaching \(C\), and so it must be possible to reach \(C'\) before reaching \(C\). However, by the ambidexterity just mentioned, under that strategy it must also be equally possible to reach \(C'\) before reaching \(C\). Therefore, if \(\dist(E,0) \geq \dist(C,0)\) (i.e. \(E\) is further away from you than \(C\) or equidistant), then no strategy can guarantee that you will reach the escape point \(E\) before reaching the capture point \(C\). Thus the condition \(\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\) is necessary for the existence of a strategy ensuring your escape.

Next, we show that the condition \(\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\) is sufficient for the existence of a strategy guaranteeing your escape. Suppose that \(\dist(E,0) \lt \dist(C,0)\), that is, \(\dist(C,0) - \dist(E,0) \gt 0\). The following strategy will then ensure that you will reach \(E\) before \(C\). First note that even though you do not know the individual numbers \(\dist(C,0)\) and \(\dist(E,0)\), you can compute their difference \(\dist(C,0) - \dist(E,0)\) because:

\begin{align*} &\dist(C,0) - \dist(E,0)\\ =\; &(\dist(M,0) - v) - (\dist(S,0) - w)\\ =\; &\dist(M,0) - \dist(S,0) + w - v\\ =\; &c + w -v, \end{align*}
and you know the values of \(c\), \(w\), and \(v\). After computing \(\dist(C,0) - \dist(E,0)\) as \(c + w - v\), choose and fix any number \(h\) satisfying \(0 \lt h \lt \dist(C,0) - \dist(E,0)\). This positive number \(h\) will be your "step size". You will make several bidirectional round trips, increasing the radius of the span of your trip by \(h\) at each step. The first step of your strategy is to walk a distance of \(h\) in one direction, turn around, come back to your origin, walk a distance of \(h\) in the other direction, and come back to your origin again. (It doesn't matter which direction you choose to go first, east or west.) In this first trip, you will span the interval \([-h, h]\), and note that you are guaranteed not to be captured since \(h \lt \dist(C, 0)\). If you are lucky, the shelter may be visible during your first trip (if the point \(E\) is in the interval \([-h, h]\)), and you will be done; otherwise proceed to Step 2. In Step 2, you do a similar back-and-forth trip, but this time spanning the interval \([-2h, 2h]\). If you couldn't see the shelter yet, proceed to Step 3 to span \([-3h, 3h]\); and so on. This strategy then guarantees that you will reach \(E\) before \(C\), that is, you will see the shelter (and escape to it) before the monster could see you. To see this, consider the (unique) least positive integer \(n\) such that the interval \([-nh, nh]\) contains the point \(E\). (Although this \(n\) exists and is unique, you won't know its value initially.) Then the point \(E\) is in \([-nh, nh]\) but not in \([-(n-1)h, (n-1)h]\), that is, \((n-1)h \lt \dist(E,0) \leq nh\). But then
\begin{align*} \dist(C,0) &\gt \dist(E,0) + h\\ &\gt (n-1)h + h\\ &=\, nh, \end{align*}
so \(C\) is not in \([-nh,nh]\). Therefore, for this particular value of \(n\), in your \(n\)-th trip you will span the interval \([-nh, nh]\) and so you will be able to see the shelter but the monster won't be able to see you. (You will not know the value of \(n\) beforehand, but you will know that such an \(n\) exists, and so you will know that you will surely be able to escape to the shelter.)


The problem implicitly assumes that you must stay on the road when searching for the shelter. Olivia Racette of Stoney Creek High School proposed an alternative solution where you are not confined to the one-dimensional road.

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